Melon Fashion Group is super place for realization of super ideas!
And also, we are an unusual company. With all our hearts we give ourselves to work! We are burning, dreaming, getting inspired, realizing our own ideas and creating something special. For we are trying to be in the vanguard of fashion retail!
It is just so simple: we want that most efficient and talented people should desire to become a part of our team and become such. And we will be able to reach impressive results together! That is why we are always glad when our team is joined by new, interesting and creative people able to make our company still better.
of big talents
Talented environment develops each of us and the Company on the whole. This is our Perpetuum Mobile.
For talents to work productively, create and thus strengthen our Company’s position, we have created a unique atmosphere which allows everyone to fulfill themselves and realize their potential.
- Melon is a daring, team full of energy and inspiring us every day;
- We have all the opportunities to fulfill ourselves and build up a successful career;
- We are in constant search of the new and "work out" our skills at training and coach sessions and seminars;
- We try on new roles in the very intense corporate life;
- We trust in people and accept them as they are, with individual likes and one common passion that is fashion!
- We don't have the dress code! We can express ourselves in clothing, and we do love our own designers! That is why every employee of the company is given a 50% discount in our ZARINA, Befree, LOVE REPUBLIC, sela and IDOL stores.
Interview with staff
leading architect
clothes constructor
PR manager
head of technical department
supply manager
analyst engineer
leading legal counsel
lease specialist
deputy head of technical department
head of projects